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Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy


Pregnancy is one of (or maybe the) hardest things a woman can put her body through. First comes feeling tired all the time and can’t get comfortable enough to ever rest. Then the aches and pains start to set in in your lower back and hips. Don’t forget to mention the pressure on every internal organ and joint in your body… you just can’t take it anymore!

We know we may sound like a broken record when we say that there is almost always a therapy or exercise or lifestyle change with the assistance of some chiropractic care that can help with any ache, pain, or trouble spot that you might have or be dealing with… but it’s true! The same can go with your pregnancy! When you are pregnant, it doesn’t matter if you are 4 weeks pregnant, or 40 weeks pregnant, a chiropractic spinal adjustment and a little bit of therapy massage can help give you at least a little bit of comfort! The even better part that I know most, if not all, of you will love is that chiropractic care throughout your pregnancy can help with a shorter delivery time! It has been proven that those adjustments can prepare your body for the big day when your little bundle of joy wants to make its way out and into this world.

But first comes the first 40 weeks that your body continually is making physical changes that are likely to affect the spine will begin to occur during the second trimester. As the uterus grows to make room for your baby, the lumbar curve of the spine will increase to account for the stomach protruding further forward. The pelvis will also start to shift position as the normally tough pelvic ligaments soften to help prepare for delivery. Many pregnant women end up leaning somewhat backward as they stand or walk. This can then place pressure on the pelvis, the sacroiliac joint and the ligaments, causing additional pain. All these changes are not isolated to the back and pelvis, but will also affect the knees, ankles and feet. All these shifts in the normal position of the back can also affect posture, which may lead to sciatic nerve pain and edema or water retention in your ankles and feet.

When your joints and spine are properly aligned through those routine adjustments, including your hips, it will ease the delivery. When you think of all the ways you have to twist and turn your body just to get comfortable, sitting or lying different ways so you don’t get sore… your body is going to be all sorts of twisted and kinked up! The best recommended position for pregnant women is to not sleep on their back or stomach, but instead to sleep on their left side. They should be in a fetal position, with the knees tucked up and a pillow between their legs. Unfortunately, this can be difficult for those who are used to sleeping on their back or stomach, as well as since hormonal changes with pregnancy can often cause night sweats, making it difficult to sleep. The most obvious targets for chiropractic adjustments will be the lumbar spine and the sacroiliac joint, in order to shift the vertebrae back into alignment, which will help relieve lower back pain. Adjustments to these joints may also relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve and help patients sleep more soundly at night. Correcting your posture will better the circulation to your joints and take more pressure off your nerves.

Not only can adjustments help you with feeling more comfortable, but we also have a number of therapy machines in the office that can assist with your comfort. One of my personal favorites, and a “fan favorite” for a lot of our patients is our Intersegmental Traction Table, or you may know it as our “rolly-table”. It is a table that you lay on, and this rolling pin goes up and down your spine, elongating it and massaging it at the same time. The low back/tailbone area is one of the most painful areas on a pregnant body, as that is where the majority of the weight and pressure likes to sit, and this table just stretches and massages all that tension and pain out! It’s amazing.

We also have acupuncture, which can target those pressure points. There are multiple pressure points we can target for each area of pain, whether that is your back, hips, knees, or even your feet… Not only can acupuncture treat your physical ailments, it can also assist with relieving your emotional or mental pains as well. It focuses on fixing the imbalances and blockages in your internal pathways, which are stimulated by the hair-thin needles during an acupuncture session. This can help with morning sickness, pregnancy symptoms, migraines, or even just plain fatigue. It can help alleviate the stress.. even if you just want an excuse to lay in a dimly lighted room for some peace and quiet. J Acupuncture is also known to induce labor in some cases. People feel a variety of sensations when being pricked by these acupuncture needles, but for the most part, you can’t even feel it. Just sit back, relax, and let that energy flow!

We have a number of other exercises and stretches that we also can recommend and show you in order to get you some comfort at home. We are happy to answer any questions that you may have about pregnancy and chiropractic care, so feel free to shoot us a message, email, call or just stop by and ask us! Like any therapy or medicine, results vary with everyone. The best thing you can do for you, and for your baby, is to give yourself the best chance of being pain free, comfortable, and happy! You may be feeling a lot of emotions, happening all at the same time, ranging from excitement about your new miracle to the family, to being nervous or scared about the health of your baby, and concern about the delivery itself. We are here to help in any way that we can. Pregnancy is one of the most incredible things that any woman can do, and we are truly in awe of all of you mother’s out there! Let us know how we can help!



It is common for me, or my staff, to be asked: “Do you adjust children? Is it safe for them? What do you actually do when you adjust my baby?”  


Pediatric chiropractic has been around a long time, and not many people know about it still. It is my belief that it is because people haven’t been educated about it, or truly being terrified of the “pop” coming from your child. Chiropractic adjustments for children are non-invasive and gentle due to the different techniques that are used and are safe and well tested. So, you may ask: “What does an adjustment involve for a child? What are the benefits? What should they expect? How do I know my child needs chiropractic care!?”

The Benefits

If you have been adjusted, you know the feeling and may think it maybe too harsh for your child. While that is correct, an adjustment for a child is applied with less force and delivered more quickly, so there is as little of discomfort as possible. Children’s joints are still forming and growing every day. An adjustment helps keep everything aligned, and it promotes healthy nervous system flow and communication throughout the body. Misaligned points on the spine can put excessive pressure on nearby nerves, causing pain to interfere with brain communication and a child to have less focus.


Most importantly, a child’s body depends on a healthy nervous system with it growing and changing every day. An adjustment for a child benefits them more than aligning the spine. It is known to help with ear infections, digestive issues, allergies, sleep issues, as well as headaches. The same reasons we would go see a chiropractor for our aches and pain, our children can benefit as well.


The most common type of injuries I see are sports injuries. The development of a child’s body during this time is fragile. Their bones aren’t as strong, their muscles aren’t yet developed, and when you mix sports and play time in with that, they could get really hurt. There are different extremity and spinal manipulations, so getting the correct type of therapy to heal and recover their muscles and bones from their playful injuries are key. Most importantly to help prevent sport injuries I recommend a maintained routine adjustment to help them as they continue to grow.


What to Expect?


Should you choose chiropractic care for your child, whether they are a few months old, or all the way up to their teen years, you could see several different benefits. With everything aligned, your child is going to sleep better. This is due to the relieving of tension, discomfort and dysfunction. With more sleep and less discomfort, you may notice your child to be a little happier and less behavior issues, as well as a stronger immune system.


Our kids are the most active when they are young and playing with their friends or trying out every single sport that they can. It really takes a toll on their body. I have seen a number of different people who still have injuries or aches and pains that they are confident came from an injury that they sustained when they were little. It could be just falling off their bike or jumping on the trampoline and landing wrong… any number of scenarios can really mess a kid up. Listen to their complaints. Teach them to listen to their body. If something is off, they will know!  


As kids develop and grow, especially these days when kids have their cell phones or tablets to play games, read or talk to their friends, they can get into the habit of always looking down at their phone or tablet, and can get very bad posture. That is something we can fix with chiropractic adjustments, but I would like to teach kids from a young age how that can be prevented. Playing contact sports, wearing heavy backpacks, even sitting in desks at school can all cause issues. Their daily lives are always on the go. Sitting down for a consultation and going thoroughly through an exam would be what I recommend… I know kids do not like to listen to their parents, but maybe together we can get them to learn these good habits from a young age!


If you still have questions please do not hesitate to reach out to the office, on Facebook, Instagram or even sending us an email at If there is a question you have always wondered about, or some topic that just always confuses or interests you, LET US KNOW! We are here to help, and love to help teach you more about anything help related, even if it is lending a helpful hint or recommendation.



We have had that question asked frequently here in the office over the past few weeks and wanted to walk you through the difference of heat vs ice and when to use it properly if you have an injury. At times we try to stick out and move on about our day, but if you pinch that muscle or have that targeted pain, that only means that it will take longer to recover! It is important for us to stop and listen to our body when it needs us! 

When to Use: Ice

That painful but refreshing relief that ice relieves from our tissues and muscles is a love/hate relationship. When you are icing an injury, you are controlling the inflammation of the tissue in order to reduce damage and keep your pain level in check right away. It is important to ice sooner rather than later, at least try to get to it within 24 hours of injury time. I recommend for more of an acute pain such as a bone fracture, muscle sprain, or a mild back pain to ice 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off. When you are icing, in order to stay more comfortable and to get you through the cold and burning stage, protect the skin upon application do this until you reach the numbness stage. This is the stage where reduced nerve conduction happens.

When you ice, you get different localized and reflex effects. It will reduce muscle spasms and the cell metabolism, as well as decrease the capillary blood pressure. This will allow the muscle tone to increase slightly overtime with treatment. Overall you will notice your muscles will experience less fatigue, while your respiratory rate, heart rate and leukocytosis will increase.

When to Use: Heat

It is common that we naturally want to jump in and out a heating pad when we injure ourselves. It is so soothing and calming… it makes sense that you would want to do that… but you actually could be doing yourself harm in the long run! When the body experiences a traumatic injury, the body naturally tries to protect itself by creating inflammation to help it heal. The injury then becomes warm due to the inflammation, so applying extra heat is not a good idea and will then increase inflammation.

If you feel stiff, I highly recommend using heat. As an example: when you want to stretch a muscle, but stretching doesn’t help, that is when you want to apply some heat. When heat is applied, it relaxes the tissue and brings blood to the area to help combat the feeling of tightness and stiffness. If you have an option on what type of heat to use, moist heat is going to be the best.

Can I use both?

The answer is yes but at the right time. I recommend for you to alternate ice and heat until 48 hours after injury, and inflammation is decreased. By alternating the ice and heat, you are creating a pumping effect that does reduce swelling and is best known as contrast therapy. This allows your tissues to adapt and give them a little “workout” by stimulating metabolic and circulatory activity while allowing your body to rest.

If you still have questions please do not hesitate to reach out to the office, on Facebook, Instagram or even sending us an email at If there is a question you have always wondered about, or some topic that just always confuses or interests you, LET US KNOW! We are here to help, and love to help teach you more about anything help related, even if it is lending a helpful hint or recommendation.



Everyday we strive to be as healthy as we can, from eating our fruits and vegetables, getting plenty of sleep, to staying hydrated. So, you may ask yourself, “why am I talking about supplements, I don’t need them. .what is the purpose?!” Don’t get it twisted! Even if it isn’t “needed” like say, a daily multivitamin, or just because you can’t feel a difference immediately, doesn’t mean that it isn’t working for you and helping you out! As we age, our bodies need supplements no matter how healthy our lifestyle may be. They help with absorbing nutrients from all that healthy food that you are trying to eat. Think of how much better your body will look and feel if it bumped up that absorption rate from what it is now! As we grow older, our bodies natural ability to absorb nutrients decreases, which is why you notice that you gain weight or have awful reactions the older you get, even if you “have always had” that certain portion or certain type of food. We all took the gummy multi-vitamins as a child, from Fred Flintstone to the smiley face shaped, to help us as our bones grew. As we get older, we need it more now than ever due to the wear and tear we put on our bodies in our daily lives.

Next, let’s look at what we are eating. As times change, food changes, from the processing to the way it is grown. Do you know about all the pesticides, herbicides and chemicals that are found in our food combined with chemicals in the water? We now need that extra help from vitamins to help keep our body strong to fight off those chemicals, and get the extra nutrients that may be lacking from our food.

We often hear from people that they “know their body” and know when something seems “off”. Listen to your body! If you are tired, or your skin looks bad, or your lips are dry, or you are gaining weight in areas that you haven’t experienced before, then your body is trying to tell you something! If you are tired, and know you have had your 8 hours of sleep, then you probably are eating something that is throwing your body off, or you aren’t giving your body enough food/nutrients to get it through the day. If your skin is bad, you are probably eating a lot of processed food and don’t know it. I could go on forever on this! The trick is to pay attention to what you’re putting in your body, and to get the extra help that is there for you.

We have a few products at Henry Chiropractic Center that I have personally checked out every label, to make sure that it isn’t hiding secret awful ingredients that are actually not good for you. I personally use or have tried all of our products. If I wouldn’t put these products in my own body, I wouldn’t vouch that you should put them in yours. Here are a few of what we carry:

Dr. Axe Bone Broth

  • 20g protein, 2g carbs, 1g sugar
  • Supports a healthy gut, skin, joints, and immunity
  • Featuring collagen type II, glucosamine, chondroitin, hyaluronic acid and 19 amino acids
  • From non-GMO, hormone free, cage free and cruelty free sources

Dr. Axe Multi-Collagen Protein

  • Tasteless and odorless
  • 9g protein, 0g carbs, 0g fat
  • Supports a healthy gut, skin and joints†
  • Features Collagen type I, II, III, V and X
  • From non-GMO, grass fed, hormone free, cage free and cruelty free sources
  • From 4 food sources (beef, chicken, fish and eggshell membrane)

Dr. Axe Multi Collagen – Beauty Within & Beauty & Sleep

  • Watermelon Basil flavor, lightly sweetened with stevia
  • 9g protein, 0g carbs, 0g fat
  • Supports a healthy gut, skin and joints
  • Supports healthy skin elasticity and hydration
  • Supports healthy aging by repairing skin and improving wrinkle depth
  • Features Collagen type I, II, III, V and X from 4 food sources
  • From non-GMO, grass fed, hormone free, cage free and cruelty free sources

Beauty & Sleep

  • Same as above Beauty Within but added:
    • Calming Lavender Bergamot flavor, lightly sweetened with stevia.
    • Promotes restful sleep and a calm, relaxed state of mind

Dr.Axe Multi- Collagen – Rest & Recovery

  • Natural mixed berry flavor
  • 9g protein, 0g carbs, 0g fat
  • Features plant extracts traditionally used for rest and recovery, including tart cherry for muscle recovery and strength, especially post-workout              
  • Clinically-studied Ashwagandha promotes restful sleep and a calm, relaxed state of mind
  • Promotes skin hydration and elasticity

Essential Nutrition Pack

  • Multi Vitamins
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids
  • Vitamin D Softgels
  • Magnesium Caps


  • Supports healthy gut function and digestive health
  • Supports healthy immune system function and a  healthy GI tract
  • 50 Billion CFUs per serving
  • Featuring Soil-Based Organisms (SBOs) and Prebiotics
  • PLUS it’s shelf-stable (no need to refrigerate!)


–          MyoCalm® is a specialized formula that supplies bioavailable forms of calcium and magnesium that play a role in muscle contraction and relaxation. These minerals are blended with passionflower and valerian for added relaxation support.

MyoCalm® Plus is an exceptional blend of bioavailable minerals and specialized herbs that is designed to provide comprehensive support for neuromuscular relaxation. The components of this formula work in concert to provide enhanced support for healthy muscle relaxation.

Keep in my mind not everyone needs all these supplements. You have to listen to your body and find out what you feel you are lacking. We are always happy to talk through it with you! You can come into the office and chat with us about it, or bring it up at your next appointment, or even shoot us a message on our Facebook, Instagram, or email. It is easy to get lost in all the products that come at you every single day. We are happy to give some advice with what is truly best for YOU!

Check into our Social Media daily as we post deals, giveaways, and all things Chiropractic!


Has it been awhile since we seen you?

To schedule an appointment contact us:

or call us at 812-375-4091

Office Hours

Monday 9a – 1p; 3p-6p

Tuesday 11a – 1:30p; 3p – 6p

Wednesday – 9a – 1p; 3p-6p

Thursday 11a – 1:30p; 3p – 6p

Friday 9a – 1p


Dr. Malachi Henry, DC

2790 Brentwood Dr.

Columbus, In 47203



According to the American Chiropractic Association 9 out of 10 Americans suffer from headaches, ranging from an occasional to frequent, dull to throbbing, and some resulting in debilitating pain and nausea. Are you one of the 9 out of 10 Americans? Do you have troubles figuring out how to make them go away? Or simply trying to change your routine or lifestyle to make them go away? We are here to help you!

If someone suffers from headaches or migraines, according to studies, 95 percent are primarily headaches, such as tension, migraine,fake drivers license, or a cluster headache. A primary headache is associated with muscle tension in the neck by hours spent in one fixed position. This results in increased joint irritation and muscle tension in the neck, upper back and scalp which is what causes your head to ache.

Headache vs Migraine

A question we hear a lot is: “how do I know if I am having a headache or migraine?” As mentioned before, more than likely it is a form of a headache, but migraines are still very common. Headaches and migraines are caused from environmental stimuli such as noises, lights or stress. As well as different behaviors that we do in our daily life,Scannable Fake ID, for example insomnia, excessive exercise, blood sugar changes and more. Common symptoms of a headache are:

  • Mild to Moderate Pain or pressure in the front, top, or sides of the head
  • Irritability
  • Trouble Focusing
  • Mild Sensitivity to Light or Noise
  • Feeling Tired
  • Muscle Aches

The mild to moderate pain or pressure that you feel from a headache starts in the back and then spreads forward. It becomes a band of dull pressure or squeezing pain around your entire head with equal pressure on both sides. The pressure from this is what causes the muscles in your neck, shoulders, and your jaw feels tight and sore. fake ids,I will get to the ways to get relief here in a minute.

Migraines are very similar to headaches but result in being on one side and a few more symptoms which are:

  • Moderate to severe throbbing pain worse on one side than the other
  • The pain worsens the more physically active you are
  • Pain around eyes or temples, jaw or neck
  • Sensitivity to light, sounds smells
  • You are nauseous
  • Seeing wavy lines, dots, or flashing lights
  • Your arm or face tingles

What can you do?

Begin looking at your posture at work as well when you are at home. Are you staying in a fixed position for a long time? If so, take a break and stretch every 30 minutes to one hour. Set an alert on your phone to remind yourself to get up and/or move around. This could be moving your arms, neck, or back in a rotating range of motion or simply getting up and walking.

Low impact exercise is another great way to relieve those primary mild headaches. That could be water aerobics, cycling, or a nice long walk to name a few. If you are experiencing a dull, throbbing headache it is advised to avoid heavy exercise.

Do you make sure that you are drinking at least 8 – 8-ounce glasses of water a day? We are all bad about not getting enough water intake. Dehydration is a big cause of headaches.

Stress is one of the top leading causes for a headache. Stress causes one to clench the teeth which results in TMJ (temporomandibular joints) that connects your jaw to your skull.

What can a Chiropractor do?

You may think a headache or migraine can be cured with a little help from taking a pill or changing something small will make it go away. As it may make it go away for a short time, long-term it is still going to be there. Some medications may also do more harm than good if taken in large quantities, or taken too often. That is where we come in!

Dr. Henry will begin by finding out where the pressure is coming from, and check out the area around it, and determine the subluxation (the misalignment) or the bones that is causing the pain. Once he discovers it, he will perform a spinal manipulation (adjustment) that improves the spinal function and alleviates the stress on your system. After the adjustment, Dr. Henry will provide muscle work to loosen the muscles that are tight that increase pressure and that are tight.

Another common question we get is “how long until I feel better?” Everyone is different, but we mainly see an instant relief, but it can be up to hours to feel the relief.

What is Next?

Are you a patient? Are you new to Henry Chiropractic? If you are new to us, Dr. Henry will perform a consultation, exam and if necessary, x rays. After that first visit, he will come up with a treatment specifically for you, and how to give you the most pain relief!

Have more questions about your headache or migraines? Have questions in general? Feel free to give us a call 812-375-4091, or message us on Instagram or Facebook! Let’s talk soon!


A traditional all-natural form of healing known as Acupuncture, began in China over 2500 years ago. Adopted by western medicine and increasingly getting more preferred over other practices of medicine. Acupuncture works by stimulating the body’s all-natural healing powers by targeting specific points, called acupoints with thin needles. By stimulating the acupoints it identifies patterns that indicate potential imbalances and works to correct them over a series of treatments.

Acupuncture is most commonly used to treat different areas of pain and inflammation. As well as being used more and more for overall wellness, including stress management. A few common areas that it is used to treat:

          • Chemotherapy-induced and postoperative nausea and vomiting
          • Dental Pain
          • Headaches, including tension headaches and migraines
          • Labor Pain
          • Low Back Pain
          • Neck Pain
          • Osteoarthritis
          • Menstrual cramps
          • Respiratory Disorders.

Benefits of Acupuncture

With the treatment of acupuncture comes a wide spectrum of benefits that it provides. It is commonly used for pain relief as well as inflammation and overall improvement of circulation.

          • Pain Relief – Interferes with concentration, inhibits physical activity, disrupts sleep and emotional disturbances. You can take over-the-counter or prescription painkillers which have unpleasant side effects that can be problematic and hurt the body. Acupuncture urges the body’s own natural defense to rally against the pain.

          • Reduce Inflammation – The immune systems natural response to illness or injury is to inflame. Acupuncture has an anti- inflammatory effect, so it helps reduce pain and calm inflammation.

          • Improved circulation – Blood carries much needed nutrients to the tissues and cells. Bad circulation compromises and the cells suffer while healing and the regeneration is slower. Acupuncture encourages circulation, healing and health at a cellular level.

With anxiety and depression being one of the leading causes of mental health in America today. Researchers have found acupuncture is helping with overall calming, improving of the mood and allowing one to sleep better.

          • Calming – Protect the body from the detrimental effects, by reducing stress levels and encouraging tranquility

          • Improved Mood – Anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders often respond well. Due to increased levels of crucial neurotransmitters like serotonin and restore hormonal balance to the body. Letting you engage in activities and enjoy life.

          • Better Sleep – Fights insomnia on many fronts. It reduces factors like pain and stress that can impede sleep and stimulates the release of neurotransmitters that promote better sleep.

What You Can Expect:

We will dive into what you can expect from the beginning, during and at the end of your treatment. As well, the benefits of routine treatments to give you relief from day to day. After being taken back to the treatment room, a gown, towel or sheet will be provided to you if necessary, depending on area being treated. Do not hesitate to ask any questions to the staff before.

Once ready, Dr. Henry will come in and begin explaining the treatment as well follow-up from the first consolation when you discussed acupuncture.

During the procedure:

Depending on the area we may ask you to lie down for the treatment. The procedure will begin, and three simple steps are performed. Dr. Henry will begin with the insertion of very thin needles through your skin. Acupuncture needles are inserted to various depth. With the needles being very thin, you can expect to have little discomfort. It is normal at times to feel a mild aching sensation when a needle reaches the correct depth. They are placed strategically in the areas of pain and inflammation in the pocketed points called acupoints.

If necessary, the needles may be manipulated by a gentle move or twirl after placement. As well applying heat of mild electrical pulses to the needles. The needles remain in place for 10 to 20 minutes while you lie still and relax. After the treatment and the needles are removed, there is normally no discomfort when the needles are removed.

After the procedure:

As everyone responds differently, some people feel relaxed and other feel energized after an acupuncture treatment. You should not experience any pain or discomfort after treatment.

Is Acupuncture for Me?

As your first treatment can be nerve racking, Dr. Henry will sit down an go into as little or as much detail as you would like. We have some patients who want to know exactly what is going on, and then we have others who just want to be healed and don’t really care how 🙂 
If you think that acupuncture might be something that interests you, be sure to ask Dr. Henry at your next appointment. If you haven’t ever visited Henry Chiropractic Center, feel free to give us a call, or message us on Facebook to ask more questions and set up a consultation!

Nutrition Tips

Many people want to diet, yoyo with weight and struggle with food. Food is not the enemy. You just have to learn a couple trick that can really help you with the daunting food challenge. Here is personally what I suggest as you conquer that New Year diet:

1. DON’T cut out food groups – Eliminating something will often making you crave if more and when you do have it eat more than normal, treat yourself every once in awhile!

2. Eat real foods – The best advice to eat real foods, cook for yourself or find a restaurant or meal prep service that does not add a bunch of stuff to your food.

3. Learn how to read the label – When you are in a crunch, best fake id,learn how to read food labels so when you are at the gas station or airport you can make “healthier” decisions.

4. DRINK H20 – It is very easy to get, easy to carry, and inexpensive. I recommend carrying a water bottle all the time and having water close so you do not reach for a coke of sugary drink. For those trying to lose weight and I recommend 100oz of water a day as it can help curve hunger!

5. EAT YO GREENS – Leafy greens are full of all good stuff: fiber, antioxidants and nutrients!

6. When the belly RUMBLES = Listen  – If you are starving, getting nausea, angry,fake id, or weak EAT, do not starve yourself as this will decrease your metabolism and will make you make poor decisions when food is around!

7. Supplement – I recommend taking a multivitamin, Omega-3, magnesium, and Vit-D. These will help with your overall health but if you are deficient in other things be sure to get that checked out and supplement appropriately.

8. Veggies – Suck it up and eat a balanced meal! There have great health benefits with antioxidants and quality fiber just scratching the surface!

9. Eat your Wheaties! – Be sure to eat breakfast if you are not fasting. You want a balanced breakfast consisting of protein, fiber (if not working out), fat and complex carbs to get your metabolism fired up for the day. If you are working out shortly after your breakfast, try to keep the fiber to a minimum.

10. Alcohol – Alcohol is not going to ruin your dreams or completely derail you from your goals. The key is moderation. When you do decided to drink, keep an eye on the number of drinks and reach for a low sugar alcoholic beverage. Instead of getting a sweet cocktail, get it on the rocks with added soda water and mint and lime to sweeten it up without the added sugar that cola or mixes add!

11. Learn to Cook – Plan out your weekly diners, make leftovers, fake id texas,and learn what you can make that satisfies your cravings. Try and stay away from the lazy drive through, which has choices that are not what you or your body wants. Life happens and if you are in a rush, choose a fast food with healthy options, in Columbus I recommend Tropical Smoothie or Be Fit Meals as a healthier quick alternative.

12. Weight lose Programs – If you do decide to get help for your weight lose journey, don’t rely on Supplements that some companies make you spend hundreds of dollars to get. It is all about diet! Most people can lose an extraordinary amount of weight with only diet and adding a little exercise can speed up the journey.

13. Snack – stabilizes your blood sugar, if keeps you from eating junk food such as cookie and chips, snack with an apple, or your favorite fruit.

14. Cup of Joe – If you’re a coffee drinker, drink it up, lets just leave out the sugar and crème! Opt for Black or Natural sweetener instead of Sugar.

15. Don’t Overthink Eating – Keep is simple, have a piece of protein, a veggie, and a carb! Make more than you will eat so you have leftovers, so you don’t have to think about it tomorrow, or get sucked in by the fast food trap!

16. Be Natural – Avoid those fake sugars, if you need a something sweet, stay tuned for an upcoming blog about artificial sweeteners and which ones are best!

17. Turn Down the Noise – Shut everything off when you eat, enjoy your food, enjoy the people you are with – phones now can be programed for do not disturbed times! Set them for your normal dinner times so you enjoy you are forced to be in the moment!

18. Eat a carb – Carbs are not the devil, your body needs them, try to keep the carbs from added sugars bad. Unless you are trying to go Keto, carbs are not the problem, focus on portion control and eating whole foods, which might have some carbs!

19. Move! – Burn what you eat! go for a walk, get active or learn an exercise routine that you enjoy and can stick to! Keep the body moving and your metabolism active, when you move you burn the calories you eat!

Need more of a structure? Someone to hold you accountable? We are here for those that are looking for a weight loss program, we offer a chiropractic supervised diet, which we have seem great results with, but is not for everybody. If you would like more info on that please contact Henry Chiropractor Center, 812-375-4091. For those that need and want a few tips, LETS GO!



New Year, New You, Gym Tips

We know, we know…. EVERYONE wants to talk about “New Year, New You” the second
the ball drops on New Year’s Day. Everyone is so excited to make a new commitment to
better themselves, by eating better, cutting that nasty habit, or starting to work out like
they said they would all last year. Well, as someone who is obsessed with working out, I
truly can say that it will make you feel better, and improve almost all aspects of your
life. Doubtful? Working out is so hard? Trust me… you just have to get over that “hump”
of hating working out, and you will see for yourself!

The most important thing when going to the gym is to be comfortable and enjoy
yourself! Get comfortable with the equipment that you want to use. Do your research,
either at home on your own and googling which machines help which body part at the
gym, so then when you go use it, cheap Fake ID,you won’t feel as lost. Don’t be afraid to ask a personal
trainer, a friend or someone at the gym for questions of a machine or piece of
equipment. They will honestly rather help you than see you from afar using it
incorrectly, or knowing you might hurt yourself.

If mentally, you struggle with where to begin, try a workout class at the gym, or hire a
personal trainer for a session or two just to get your feet wet. Classes, coaches, and
personal trainers will decrease your risk of injury and will help you feel more
comfortable quicker. They will also help hold you accountable, fake id maker,so you aren’t one of
those people that fall off after the first month of the new year. Go to the gym with a
plan. Get an idea of what you want to do. Whether that be a workout class, cardio
workout, or a power lift…. go in with an idea and execute your plan!

Where to Begin

When you do join a gym, or start your workout journey, it is all about baby steps. Start
off going 2-3 times a week, then increase to 4. Slowly build yourself up, do not burn
yourself out. If you don’t feel like going to the gym that day, and it will stress your
schedule out more, or make you really sad and upset, then don’t go. Take the day off.
But figure out how you will work it in your schedule the next day. Don’t think you can
cheat yourself out of doing that every day… because the only person that you will be
letting down is yourself. 

As a chiropractor, I recommend working out 30 minutes at a time. Whether that be
walking, jogging, lifting or swimming, or whatever exercise or movement keeps you
interested. It is important to gradually increase,Fake IDs, this allows you make it more part of
your lifestyle and make it a lifelong habit. Do not try to lose 30 pounds in a week or
make up for the years that you have not exercised. Keep it easy, simply and fun to start!

Start with a mix of cardio and strength training (lifting). There are many things
integrated into strength training. Activation of muscles, balance and coordination
through different exercises. We are looking to build a healthier you, not a bigger,
stronger, faster you right off the jump. That takes time and dedication. Starting with low
intensity is key. This will help those that have not been working out much with muscle
soreness after the workout and days after. Since you are using muscles and putting
loads on muscles that you haven’t in a while, you are going to be a little sore, but
decreasing the intensity should decrease the soreness.

For those with goals getting bigger, stronger and faster, workouts will be different, and
recovery is key. But for the average person, we are looking at overall HEALTH GAINS
instead of Gainz! Killing yourself and having to miss a couple days because you are to
sore to more will not help as much as consistency will! So start easy, and build your way
to more weight and more intensity.

You Got This!

Everyone starts of not knowing much, but you will learn, and learn quickly of what and
how to do exercises. Again, start off with a class or a personal trainer to give you a base
of exercises so you can formulate a workout plan. Many gyms offer a complimentary
personal trainer session when you sign up for a new membership so please take
advantage of it!!

The biggest thing I can recommend is to enjoy yourself. It really will be miserable if you
hate what you are doing, or at least are not excited to see you reach whatever fitness
goal it is that you have set for yourself. You don’t have to love it right at the start, but
you should get excited knowing that if you get past the awful hump of the time
commitment, the soreness, and the torture, that you will be more
toned/stronger/faster… whatever it is that you want to be! Set achievable goals and
strive to make yourself a stronger and healthier you!

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call, message us or stop
in. As I said, I am obsessed with fitness, so I would love to help you reach your goals, and
help you find what works for you as well.

If you thought this was helpful or would like me to write about something, please like
our Facebook page at Henry Chiropractic Center and on Instagram at
HenryChiropracticCenter and send us a message!

Dr. Malachi Henry

Flu season is upon us!!!

“My family does this, my mom does that”… we have all heard everyone’s “guaranteed” remedy to help us during this cold season, so I figured that I might toss my hat in the ring and share my go-to supplements that have a little bit of research and evidence behind why they help!

Vitamin D – 400IU-5000IU

First of all, many people, roughly 40% of the population, are deficient in Vitamin D. Vitamin D does a variety of things for our body, and one important job that it does is keeping our immune system strong. If you do not spend time in the sun, eat dairy, or are dark skinned, you are most likely deficient in Vitamin D. Taking Vitamin D and having the adequate amounts decrease the chance of getting the flu or respiratory infections. If you are deficient, taking Vitamin D with a fat, increase the absorption by 50%. Those that are not deficient, you will not see a change in flu or cold symptoms.

Zinc (100mg)

Our immune system needs zinc and many of the elderly population are deficient in this mineral. When Zinc is taken orally, it works on the throat on the way to the stomach. It decreases the length the flu or cold will last, while also decreasing the symptoms to make it more tolerable. However, more is not always better. Taking too much can decrease your immunity. I recommend taking a higher dosage for a week and then stopping (or taking much less).

Echinacea 900mg a day

This supplement is often used for respiratory infections. Researchers are unsure on how it works, but some studies show that is can cut the decrease the length of colds while also decreasing the severity of symptoms. Start Echinacea when you first getting signs or symptoms of a cold.

Vitamin C

When we are sick we always hear: “take Vitamin, eat your oranges, drink your juice!” All that advice does have some research backing what all of our parents and teachers tell us what to do! A recommend level is 2000mg of Vitamin C, when you hit your personal threshold, diarrhea is the outcome!


It all starts from within, so getting your gut healthy will help make the body healthy. The probiotics that we carry at Henry Chiropractic Center are Dr. Axes SBO Probiotic and ChiroNutraceutical Complete Probiotic, which are capsule form.

It is ideal to get nutrients from food, but when you need higher doses, supplements are a great source that should be taken advantage of. Also, spend the extra dollar to get a quality product and is not full of fillers. Before taking any supplement at high dosage, be sure to consult your doctor before, especially if you are on other medication or are pregnant. I hope this was helpful, if you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to call.

If you thought this was informative, or would like me to chat about anything else, then please like our Facebook page at Henry Chiropractic Center and Instagram at @HenryChriopracticCenter and send us a message!

Dr. Malachi Henry



What is Chiropractic?

For those that have never been to a chiropractor, nervous about chiropractic, or just want to gain a little information about what we do, here you go! Chiropractors started 100+ years ago and there are now over 77,000 Chiropractors (DC) in the United States. Chiropractic has become the most popular type of alternative treatment and is becoming more mainstream every day.Scannable Fake ID, Many MD’s regularly refer their patients to us (Chiropractors) for help with a range of symptoms, everything from headaches and back pain, to ankle, elbow or knee issues. Even dentists are referring to chiropractors to help with TMJ issues. Chiropractic is becoming more and more important as we fight the opioid epidemic and try to get people out of pain without the harmful medications. While pain killers and surgery are needed,fake id maker,they are not always successful and it is smart to try a conservative approach first. In my opinion, it is best to start with the less invasive chiropractic adjustment, which goes well beyond bad backs.


With an adjustment, we can help with pain, inflammation, organ dysfunction, and that’s just the start. We do this by affecting the body’s nervous system and allowing the body to heal itself. We not only adjust the back and neck, but we adjust knees, wrist, elbows, hips, shoulder and feet! At Henry Chiropractic Center, we also offer nutritional advice and carry natural products to help with joint pain, ligament/tendon issues, weight loss, or athletic benefits. There are also a variety of therapy options that we offer to increase mobility, increase blood flow, decrease muscle spasm, and make you feel good! I am also an acupuncturist and tie that in with my chiropractic adjustment to prevent disease and decrease issues of the spine, joints and muscles of patient’s bodies.


As a Chiropractor, I focus on approach on subluxations, which are misalignments of the spine that cause issues of communication. It’s easy to think of our nervous system like a garden hose. If there is a pinch in your hose, you will have little to no flow of water. Fake ID,If we have a pinch in our nervous system, the flow of pain may get stopped somewhere, or rerouted to an area that is not actually the area of issue. It is easy for us to think that the spine is always the issue, but sometimes that is not always the case. A big example of misdirected pain stems from inflammation. Chiropractic treatment is great for chronic and acute problems to decrease pain and correcting the spine so the body can speed up the healing process thus decreasing the inflammation quicker.


Not only can our spine lead to other problems, it can have its own problems. Having lack of motion in any of our joints, lead to degeneration of those joints, and if left untreated, make it more difficult and harder to get fixed and often lead to issues that can not be resolved. We want to restore health when there is an issue, but like brushing our teeth, we want to maintain the spine and keep it functioning at its highest capability. Just like you know that you should visit the dentist for a check-up one or two times a year, you should also get your routine visit to the chiropractor. If you skip visits to the dentist, you could be getting horrible issues deep in your teeth, like a cavity. Alternatively, it is best to see your chiropractor every few months just for routine maintenance, and make sure that you don’t have any growing issues that, if left untreated and ignored, could turn out to be something more damaging.


As a chiropractor we either use our hands or an instrument, depending on a couple of factors, but also depends on the patient’s preference. There are indications that lead us towards using the instrument such as age, patient history, and the problem at hand. Some people do not like the “crack” and “pop” that happens when we use our hands to adjust their neck or back, so the instrument is the alternative for that.


There are also some questions we get asked quite regularly from those that have never been to a chiropractor, and don’t know what to expect:

Assumption: We only deal with back and neck pain.

Truth: We have patients that come in and only want their ankles, shoulders or knees worked on. Although there might be underlying issues and other things going on, we determine that through our examination and consultation to determine the best way to treat each person individually! We have been taught how to find subluxation with our hands, but we also often take X-rays to help with the specificity of the adjustments!

Assumption: We prescribe pills

Truth: We do not prescribe pills, but we do offer supplements to decrease pain and inflammation, which is often the root cause of the issue. We carry a wide variety of supplements here at Henry Chiropractic Center!

Assumption: Once you go to the chiropractor you always have to go.

Truth: I recommend an individual treatment plan after your first examination, which is customized for you with what I think you need to get the problem under control. Some patients respond quickly to care, some take a couple more visits, as one adjustment will normally not fix the problem, but in some cases it will! Many people decided to continue care, and do a “maintenance plan” to prevent further flare ups and they feel the positive power that an adjustment has on their overall being. Such benefits include lower stress, lower blood pressure, more mobility, and overall better feeling. I personally get adjusted once a week, but a normal maintenance plan ranges from 2 weeks to 5 weeks. You can take my recommendation how you would like to.. I am not going to force you into a contract for your care. I truly want to help make you feel better, and that includes you feeling comfortable with the amount of care visits that we discuss for you.

I hope this was helpful! If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to call, message us or stop in. If you thought this was helpful or would like me to write about something in particular, please like our Facebook page at Henry Chiropractic Center and instagram at HenryChriopracticCenter and send us a message!

Dr. Malachi Henry